Back in the old days we used a site called It was a web based social bookmarking site. Instead of bookmarking a site to your browser, you sent it to There people could follow you and go to your page and see what sites you had posted. has been sold several times and are still up and running, but now as I checked an my earliest bookmarks at Delicious are still there dating back to 3/13/08
The thing that throws me about Pinterest is when I select someone to follow. I have yet to figure out what it does. I was hoping that it would post their pins to my site. Making my site an aggregator to the pins I follow, just like does for all the tech sites I follow, but that does not seem to be the case.
If I want to "Pin" something that I can go back and look at later, I would either use Evernote or Pocket. I can understand where it is nice that Pinterest post to boards, so you can group your saving by common interest, but I could do that on Evernote.
I use Faststone Image Capture to do screen captures. Images I want to save I usually screen capture and save to a folder on my hard drive. So like Pinterest I can go back and look at the images any time, but of course I can't have any followers Since I can't follow someone on Pinterest to see their latest post, I guess they are about the same?
I will admit that there may be a simple way to have someone's new pin to show up on my board and maybe I am just to uneducated to understand or figure it out. I honestly have talked to others and looked on the web for an explanation, but I have yet to find a solution. So until something clears up (like my mind) I will spend more time reading about Pinterest rather than using it.