I assume most people post to expand their sphere of influence, as to bring on new work you need new clients. If the potential client doesn't know about you then you have two chances of landing them - Slim and none. I started posting because I just wanted to share my thoughts. I have been in this profession for 34 years and have been exposed to and learned a few things. Wisdom is highly underrated!
One of my biggest internal issues with posting is I don't like people telling me definitive things about what I should or should not do, so I don't feel comfortable telling others what I think. I know I typically come off in a submissive manner, saying this is what I think, but ...... Typically at the end of my post I try to clarify that it is only my opinion. I really have to stop doing that in 2015.
Will I try to post once a week, no. It is important for those trying to build up a large following to put out good content on a regular basis, absolutely, but that is not why I post. I will stop apologizing for my post and put them out when I feel moved to talk about things, which happens to be quite often.
I figured out last year small burst of text alternating with pictures are the most read post, but sometimes what I have to talk about doesn't require pictures.
November / December was a bit stressful for me. It reinforced my opinion and practice about how to deal with "Bad Clients" I will share it with you in the next post. Don't expect any pictures! :-)